Some weeks ago I had the pleasure of being part of Ranzee’s weekly YouTube stream talking about MIDI 2.0. Here it is in all its glory – enjoy and also I recommend subscribing 😉
And Like that MIDI 2.0 Core has been Released…
After years(!) of work the first lot of MIDI 2.0 Documentation has been released. For those that don’t know I have been involved with a core group of some very amazing people to develop this. A special thank-you to Mike Kent, Athan Billias and Ben Israel for allowing me to be part of this.
I have been mainly working on the Property Exchange part of these documents. I have also been able to contribute to MIDI-CI specification as well.I should also state that these documents are just the framework. There are many more documents planned for 2020 that expands on these documents.
I will add links here from the news when I see them:
Have questions? ask away 🙂
Pre/Post NAMM MIDI 2.0 Articles
Here is a list of Video and Articles leading up to and just after NAMM.
By the way if you are wondering why NAMM is so important to MIDI. The MIDI Manufactuer Association has their AGM on the NAMM weekend … oh and it started there too… 😛
This also has an interview with Florian Bomers of Bome Box explaining MIDI 2.0
I’ll update this more as I see more 🙂
NAMM 2020 Happened.. So now I can start blogging more…
NAMM was on the 16th-19th of January this year, Amongst all the Synth announcements and loud wall of noise from the electric guitar section 😛 there was the not so small announcement of MIDI 2.0… again…
Astute readers may be aware that the MMA announced MIDI 2.0 last year and there is a great round up about this from Adam Neely last year…
So what’s different this time….?
Last year was about demonstrating that all this was possible, while 2019 was all about trying to get it ready for release. During 2019 there was several limited news pieces and talks that provided hints about what was to come.
in the background though was a lot of hard work by some very dedicated people to get the specifications in order and ready for the general public… And now they are.. well almost.
The specifications are going through are last tidy and sign off before being released to the public.
What now?
Well for one I can start letting you know more about the specifications and I can start to ad more content to this site because it’s easier to talk about something that the public can actually read and see for themselves.
MMA discusses the future of MIDI at Audio Developers conference in London
Presented as part of ADC 18 this is a panel about the Future of MIDI. The is a bit of talk around MIDI-CI and there is even the video about Property Exchange… Unfortunately the Audio is muted – So here it is without being muted :
I’m looking forward to the rest of MIDI-CI being released to the public. In the meantime if you are an MMA member, or wish to get involved in this development, join the MMA and get involved in the Working Group 🙂
The MMA announced recently that a large group of companies have joined the MMA to get involved in the Future of MIDI. This is a welcome addition and their involvement will greatly increase the uptake of new specifications (crossing fingeers 🙂 )